GA Sport & Mindset Online Training

Unlock your full potential with Giorgetti Athletics: The Academy designed for athletes of all levels, our comprehensive program focuses on developing both physical and mental skills to help you achieve peak performance.

Our expert coaching provides personalized guidance to ensure you reach your goals. Join us and experience the transformative power of sport and mindset training.

The Ultimate Online Training

    • Mindset Training

    • Dry Warm Up Exercises

    • Fitness Training

    • Swimming Skills

    • Water Polo Skills

    • Breathing and Stretching Exercises

    • Champion Mentality

    • Focus Concentration and Visualization

    • Self Leadership

    • Leading Others

    • Managing Stress and Pressure

    • Coaching program for trainers

    • Coaching program for players

    • Education

    • Psychology

    • Wellness and Mental Health

    • Nutrition

About Coach Alex

Alex Giorgetti, the Italian Olympic Water Polo Player and World Champion, brings a wealth of expertise to "GA Sport & Mindset Online Training."

With 15 years on the Italian National Team and 8 years playing for Pro Recco, Alex has competed at the highest levels of the sport. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education and Training Sciences and a Master's Degree in Pedagogy of Disability and Inclusion.

A certified Water Polo Coach by the Federazione Italiana Nuoto, Alex is also a sports educator at the Laureus Italia Foundation. His extensive experience and commitment to empowering young athletes make him an exceptional leader for our program.